Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi organized a program titled “Master Brush Stroke” on 24th November at Rabindra Bhawan Gallery of LKA.
Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi organized a program titled “Master Brush Stroke” on 24th November at Rabindra Bhawan Gallery of LKA. On this occasion, the jugalbandi of senior painter Amit Dutt and renowned violinist Ustad Johar Ali Khan came to the fore. On one hand, Amit Dutt created his paintings while making accompaniment to the tune of the maestro's violin. Whereas representatives of National Medicos Organisation, New Delhi also showed their skills through colors and lines. Also, information on maintenance and conservation of artefacts was given through PPT presentation by Ms. Amita Soni, Conservator. The program was coordinated by Ankit Sharma, Gallery Consultant. Senior artist Prof. Many artists including Harshvardhan Sharma, Mukesh Shukla, social worker, Prahlad Pawar, Pebble Artist and Vishal Vikram, Program Officer, ICCR and officers and employees of the Academy were present on this occasion.